August 17, 2009
Small Boats for All!
With the water levels dropping we want everyone to still be able to enjoy the best whitewater experience we can give so we've moved all our remaining whitewater trips to our Small Boats... Big Action rafts. With smaller rafts customers will still be able to enjoy all the rapids and get great splashes as well. And with only 8 people on each raft each trip is that much more personable. The best part about it?! You now get the small boats for a cheaper price- the price of the standard rafts- only $59! So come out and enjoy some whitewater rafting before the season ends!
Saying Goodbye is Never Easy
With only a month left in the season we've already had to say goodbye to some of our beloved employees. We just want to take a moment to tell them that we miss them and hope to see them all next season! River guides James Revercomb and Gray Hamlin are off to finish out college at Hampton Sydney, but they'll be back next summer to stay! Our office girl Beverly Chauffe is embarking on a whole new journey- law school at LSU. Our other office girls Hannah Secunda and Hannah Hall are gone to continue their college careers as well... and oh how we miss the Hannah's. Our two amazing girl guides Corinne Roberto and Jade Johnstone are back in Montana continuing their education are Carroll College. Ben Callahan and his famous peach cobbler have left us to return to the life of high school english teaching. And we can't forget our hardworking shuttle drivers who've returned to school as well, Houston Wyatt back to becoming a pharmacist and Kelby Garman off to finish out his outdoor education major. And with one last farewell to office girl Laura Zepko- whose leaving us bright and early in the morning, the boathouse is slowly getting lonelier and lonelier- but we've had a great season so far and hope to continue with a bang!
July 20, 2009
Employee of the Week: Davis Godbout
Congratulations to Davis for being this week's employee of the week! Davis has graced Mad River with his presence all the way from the east coast and we're proud to have him here. This week Davis jumped on board when we needed an extra scenic guide for some trips. He not only guided all his whitewater trips scheduled but added a scenic or two in just to help out. We're always proud of the way Mad River Guides are so willing to help out and work hard. There is never an issue trying to find an extra guide to cover your shift or pick up an oar for an extra crowded trip. Davis is a great example of how proud we are of our staff!
July 9, 2009
Employee of the Week: Ellie Piffer
We'd like to congratulate Ellie Piffer, this week's employee to celebrate! Ellie picked up shifts on all three schedules yesterday for Mad River and we are extremely grateful to have someone as willing and ready to work as Ellie. Her hilarious personality and good comedic conversations make Ellie a great person to be around and an employee we love to have hanging around the boathouse. If you see Ellie be sure to tell her way to go!
July 1, 2009
Mad River Employees of the Week: Ben Callahan and Jade Johnstone
Congratulations to our Employees of the Week, Ben Callahan and Jade Johnstone. These two assisted in a river rescue of a non-commercial boater last week with the assistance of another commercial rafting company. Jade stayed on scene while Ben substitute guided the boat of the other company that was helping in the rescue. They both put to use the knowledge and skills they have acquired in training and on the river. We are very proud of their professionalism and courageous efforts during the rescue.
June 23, 2009
Mad River Employee of the Week: Mimi Skiles
We'd like to congratulate Mimi Skiles as this week's employee of the week! A member of our office staff, Mimi is always early to work and late to leave. She enters the office with a great attitude and a strong work ethic. Always making sure the wetsuits are washed and customers are taken care of, Mimi is a great addition to the Mad River staff this summer!
June 19, 2009
June 17, 2009
Mad River 2009 - This Rain is Fine
June 17, 2009
Twenty-one days and counting:
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, we have not made it a single day without seeing precipitation in one way, shape, or form (including light showers, torrential downpours, and hail) for 21 straight days. The good news you ask? Rafting is one of the only outdoor activities that is still enjoyable rain or shine. I mean, you're going to get wet anyway... right?
So don't fret, you outdoor enthusiasts who have been banished to the indoors due to the fine springtime weather of Jackson Hole, the river is still calling your name. We are excited to run our trips rain or shine, so if your looking for a little added excitement, or if your other plans fall through due to inclement weather, I think you know where to turn (or paddle) for a good time.
Mad River
Twenty-one days and counting:
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, we have not made it a single day without seeing precipitation in one way, shape, or form (including light showers, torrential downpours, and hail) for 21 straight days. The good news you ask? Rafting is one of the only outdoor activities that is still enjoyable rain or shine. I mean, you're going to get wet anyway... right?
So don't fret, you outdoor enthusiasts who have been banished to the indoors due to the fine springtime weather of Jackson Hole, the river is still calling your name. We are excited to run our trips rain or shine, so if your looking for a little added excitement, or if your other plans fall through due to inclement weather, I think you know where to turn (or paddle) for a good time.
Mad River
June 16, 2009
Mad River Employee of the Week: Paul Jones
Congratulations to Paul Jones for being this week's employee of the week! Paul is an extremely hard worker and can always be found going above and beyond what's required of him. Up early and going strong all day, we're happy to have Paul with us this summer!
June 12, 2009
Mad River Employee of the Week: Beverly Chauffe
Congratulations to Beverly who is the Mad River employee of the week! Beverly is one of our reservationists who is always prepared to greet customers and co-workers with a smile and our MVP in the laundry room when it comes to washing wet suits!
June 9, 2009
Mad River Executes Emergency Training Scenario
Mad River employee training culminated with an emergency training scenario which tested every aspect of our emergency action plan. Every employee played a vital role in this scenario. Employees were given specific roles to enact during the scenario and were to keep their roles secret in order to make it a more realistic emergency. It started off as a normal day on the river with two boats traveling together. As the boats passed through the lunch counter rapids, three simulated customers fell overboard. All were immediately brought back into the raft, when one passenger began complaining of shoulder and chest pains, then "became unconscious" from what was later determined to be a heart attack. The boat immediately pulled to the right bank and began CPR on the passenger. The office was notified via radio and simulated calling the forest service and sheriff's department. While all of this was happening, one of the simulated customers began to show signs of hypothermia, while another complained of a knee injury. First aid was given and the customers were attended to properly. The scenario continued to play out until the expected time of EMS arrival was reached and the scene would have been handed over to medical professionals. The emergency scenario ran smoothly and we are very proud of all of our employees for handling the situation with such promptness and care.
May 25, 2009
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner...

Think you can guess the peak this year? Submit your guess on a post here or on our facebook wall. Winner gets a prize... (To be fair, it's going to be something cool we find laying around the boathouse.) Winner will be the one who comes the closest on guessing the peak day and the peak flow. Game on!
May 21, 2009
Guide School ... the olympians ... Day 5
-Corinne Roberto (guide school student)
May 15th, 2009
Today was the final day of guide school. The sun came out at last, just in time for Guide School Olympics! My team, Funky A&& Panty Splash competed for the gold medal against the two other teams. There was a throw rope competition, story telling competition, and then the whitewater challenges. With only seconds to spare we won the boat slalom, then barely made second on the ferry of death. Our third and most difficult challenge was Lunchcounter style points. I rode the whold way through on Duke's shoulders. We had tough competitors, but I think we may have won against the hairy butts that went through on the other boats. It all came down to the final stretch... flip the boats and race to the finish! It was a blur of cold water and paddles flying. I paddled for my life to make it to the finish. We arrived at the takout last. But we still had a chance with our incredible performance throughout the olympics. It was a great day to cap off the events of this week. I'd do it again in a second!
May 15th, 2009
Today was the final day of guide school. The sun came out at last, just in time for Guide School Olympics! My team, Funky A&& Panty Splash competed for the gold medal against the two other teams. There was a throw rope competition, story telling competition, and then the whitewater challenges. With only seconds to spare we won the boat slalom, then barely made second on the ferry of death. Our third and most difficult challenge was Lunchcounter style points. I rode the whold way through on Duke's shoulders. We had tough competitors, but I think we may have won against the hairy butts that went through on the other boats. It all came down to the final stretch... flip the boats and race to the finish! It was a blur of cold water and paddles flying. I paddled for my life to make it to the finish. We arrived at the takout last. But we still had a chance with our incredible performance throughout the olympics. It was a great day to cap off the events of this week. I'd do it again in a second!
May 15, 2009
Guide School ... we laughed, we cried, we swam ... Day 4
From moose and marmots to mayflies and mergansers, Thursday morning started with presentations from Guide School members, covering Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem flora and fauna and Teton geology. In addition to local knowledge, presenters shared choice river quotes and jokes.
After a quick eddy-in pep talk with Mad River staff, the crew hopped on the bus and headed for the water.
What a difference a day made. Everyone was bomber on the oar rigs, and real signs of improvement could be seen on each boat. Hitting high and deep on eddy-line entry was one of the main goals of the day - and the guide school rocked it. And, though the day quickly became cooler and cloudy, paddlers remained in good spirits.
Following the first trip, Guide School participants ate lunch and Mad River guides gave a brief run down of Snake River conversation efforts - such as the recently passed Wild and Scenic Bill and the annual Summit on the Snake, May 30th at the Teton Science School.
Fueled-up and ready for round two, rowers returned to the oars in the afternoon with a goal: swim Lunch Counter.
Having reached the point where they could run the Snake's most turbulent rapid with oars and paddles, the crew tested their human-powered ferry skills and deep breathing by cruising Lunch Counter as swimmers. All eighteen guide school members swam, and all eighteen got to know laminar and turbulent flows on a little more personal level.
The crew crushed day four, and, truth-be-told, wetsuits never looked this good.
Tomorrow brings the last day of the course and the Guide School Olympics.
May 14, 2009
Guide School ... big boats, big oars, no wind... Day 3
-Jade Johnstone (guide school student)
Day three of guide school... Sun is shining and the wind is down. We began the day with learning knots and preparing the boats. Everyones in high spirits and ready to rock the day! We put in 8 miles high of our usual spot where the scenic tours start. Our first attempts on oar boats instead of paddles... WOW! What a difference - steering much easier!
It was an incredible day. We completed three trips altogether. All of them in the sunshine too! Everyone learned a ton. Turns, ferries and self rescues. I'm having a bit of trouble on the oars but the instructors have a ton of patience and are quick to help where I get in a jam. We hopped out for lunch mid-way and everyone was stoked for the rapids. Rapids on oar boats are even easier to set angles. We got back to the boathouse around 8:00pm to unpack and debrief. Everyone was a little exhausted, but happy. Be back at 8:30 tomorrow...
May 13, 2009
Mad River Guide School ... Shenanigans ... Day 2
-Chris Dickey (guide school student)
Guide School 2009 from Chris Dickey on Vimeo.
May 12, 2009
Mad River Guide School ... Let the fun begin... Day 1
Mad River trainees met at the boathouse on a bright sunny morning. Decked in sleek wetsuits, we boarded a bus and began an epic day. The bus dropped us at West Table Boat Ramp where the guides enthusiastically met us and passed out splash gear and PFDs. For our first run down the Snake we were the tourists and experienced what a commercial run would be. 8 miles and 6 raging rapids later we emerged at Sheep Gulch Boat Ramp. After safely stowing the rafts we were ready for round two. This time, we would be the guides. Each raft carried about 5 trainees and a guide school instructor. We learned how to give the safety speech, which we all more or less butchered our first time- giving it a go from memory. Working as a team our captain would give commands and guide us through the treacherous (aka FUN) parts of the river. We spent a large portion of the afternoon practicing ferrying techniques, in a heavy current with large eddies on either side. Thoroughly drained of energy we completed our second and final trip of the day. Loading once more into the bus we headed south of Sheep Gulch and went on an excursion to scout a gnarly rapid on the Greys River. We wrote our interpretation of the hazards, problems and route we would choose. This individualized examination of the rapid gave our instructors a better idea of our knowledge of river morphology. An exhausted crew returned to Mad River and we reviewed the day, learned some knots and were given a reading assignment for the next day. Good first day.
March 13, 2009
Snake River Cleanup
Snake River Cleanup will be May 31st this year. Meet at Mad River at 10:00 to collect bags. The Snake River Fund will provide coffee to all participants. Contact Mad River for cleanup section information. Email or call (307) 733-6203. There will be an apres-cleanup party at Cutty's Bar that evening. More information to follow.
March 9, 2009
Mad River Boat Trips joins Jackson Hole's RRR Business Leaders

Mad River Boat Trips was recently recognized as a RRR Business Leader here in Jackson Hole. The RRR Business Leaders is a local green business certification program as part of the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Program. Read more about RRR here.
What can you do to become a RRR Business Leader? Visit their website here. Take the survey, find out if you qualify. Check the "How can I recycle/reduce/reuse?" tabs for great ideas on how to green your business.
January 28, 2009
January 8, 2009
Read To Raft

February 1st will kick off the "Read to Raft" program here in Teton County. Mad River has partnered with the Teton Literacy Program and local elementary schools to help kids in the valley read 20 minutes a day. The reward for participating in "Read to Raft"? A free rafting trip for each student and a parent. This is the second year for this program. Last year over 200 kids earned a voucher to go rafting. For more information contact Mad River.
January 7, 2009
Mad River's Guide School 2009
Guide School 2009 is set for May 10th to May 15th. Successful participants from this course are eligible for hire with Mad River Boat Trips for the summer season.
View the Guide School video here:
Download a guide school brochure and application here:
Guide School is recommended for anyone lacking commercial whitewater experience. It is designed as a introductory course. Whether you are looking for a job with Mad River for the summer season or you are just looking to brush up on your whitewater skills, you are welcome at Guide School. Call us or email us with any questions.
Phone: (800) 458-7238
View the Guide School video here:
Download a guide school brochure and application here:
Guide School is recommended for anyone lacking commercial whitewater experience. It is designed as a introductory course. Whether you are looking for a job with Mad River for the summer season or you are just looking to brush up on your whitewater skills, you are welcome at Guide School. Call us or email us with any questions.
Phone: (800) 458-7238
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